Reports and Submissions

Submission: Enabling an Emergency Backstop Mechanism in Queensland

Intellihub and its partners are proposing a proven cloud based and software driven solution for an Emergency Backstop Mechanism in Queensland.  Read more

Respone to NZ Energy Efficiency & Conservation Authority Green Paper: Improving the performance of Electric Vehicle Charging

The remote identification, connection and verification of smart electric vehicle chargers is crucial to their better management and control.  Read more

Submission to AEMC Review of the Regulatory Framework for Metering Services

Competition in the metering sector has delivered better and more efficient service, less cost and cheaper prices…  Read more

Metering Services Fact Sheet

An outline and timeline of metering services in Australia  Read more

Submission to Consultation on Amendment of the Market Ancillary Services Specification

By the end of this year, every new Intellihub smart meter installed, including at residential sites, will be capable of providing measurement facilities for FCAS fast raise and lower services by default.  Read more

Smart Meter Benefits

An outline of smart meter benefits.  Read more
